We are going further with carbody. The first I do is marking all seams with black marker. That is because I will sand it with 400 grit sponge until black disappeared. That shows that all seams are clean. The yellow epoxy is a printed stamp of windscreen washer nozzle. Moulded in body I will sand off.

Fenders can be glued after paint work, but I decided to fix it before painting. Moreover, they need to be aligned with the rest of body.

Scribed new panel lines in the trunk door area.

I also glued small parts over the fenders.

Fenders glued and aligned with the body. And holes for night lighting made.

Also fitted PE-meshes to hood. They have a double curvature, and it is difficult to bend them. Having worked with pliers and got something.

Screws in the side air intakes were cutted off and new holes made. I’ll put there metal screws later.

Fill the seams on the small parts on the fenders and drilled holes for canards.

Now it is time for painting. As first, sprued automotive 1k primer filler, sanded 2000 grit and painted roof in white. Body has three main colours. Here are white areas masked and we can continue.

Then body got red and grey anthracite colours. A-Pillars and front lip are black.

Next is decaling step by step. I recommend to paint body with gloss clearcoat before put decals. But I neglected my own advice and some decals were silvering, few of them though.

So, the whole body is decaled. On the doors there is no large gray strip. Since it must be matte, I left it for the last step.

And then 2k clearcoat was added.

Here is orange peel sanded with godhand sponge 4000. Clearcoat was left on 3 days before I started to sand.

Further sanding with 6000 sponge.

Further 8000 sponge. The difference is not so noticeable, but I recommend do not skip this step.

And finally 10000 grid.

And then polishing with proxxon and meguiars scratch-x. After that polishing by hand with step 2 meguiars medium.

After polishing masked all areas but the front part. This must be not so glossy.

Semi-gloss Alclad 2 clearcoat was applied.

Then applied the rest decals – big gray stripe with Citroёn logo. Windows area painted brush in black.

Logo Citroёn with text was taken from box. This is metal stickers. Black decal over that.

On this step i would say the bodywork is finished.

You can also find video build on my YouTube channel.
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